

Nathan Cook ' 95

Nathan Cook于1995年毕业于HMC,获得物理学学士学位. 他的HMC物理学位对他有用吗? 1997年我们对他进行调查时,他回答说

我的Mudd教育对这份工作是不可或缺的. 我对科学的态度是我唯一最重要的力量, 我知道,我在哈维马德的这些年对这种态度做出了积极而巨大的贡献.

当时,他在南卡罗来纳州的斯帕坦堡教高中物理. 从那以后,内特

  • 获得匡威学院教育学硕士学位(1997年)
  • earned a master of science degree in mechanical 工程 from the Georgia Institute of Technology (2002)
  • 曾在美国空军担任实弹生存能力工程师, 通过让美国系统遭受真正的子弹攻击来确定美国系统在敌人火力面前的脆弱性, 片段, 和爆炸
  • 担任外联工程师, 吸引和激励从幼儿园到大学的学生从事STEM领域的职业
  • 在美国空军试飞员学校做了一年的飞行测试工程师, 他班上唯一的平民, 在那里,他获得了飞行测试工程理学硕士学位(2007年)。

他目前是美国空军民用飞行测试工程师, 他是爱德华兹空军基地第416飞行测试中队F-16武器集成小组的负责人. 该小组评估军用飞机和硬件, 就价值数十亿纳税人资金的决策向空军提出建议. 今年1月,他将以教官工程师的身份回到美国空军试飞员学校.


物理使我能够做所有这些不同的事情. 它是各种技术领域的伟大基础. 如果你有航空工程的本科学位, 这是所有雇主认为你能做到的. 拥有物理学位, 进入机械工程要容易得多, 航空, 基本上任何一种工程和应用工作.

Stan Love ' 87


I credit the solid general physics education I got at HMC for my ability to do good work in such a wide variety of disciplines. 通识教育也让我多次改变职业道路, and to land a good permanent job during a time when the field of my PhD work (astronomy and planetary science) has few positions to offer.

1月. 1, 1997



祝贺警局最近的积极行动! 这听起来很棒,因为它为本科生提供了更多的研究机会…….

1月. 1, 1997



我在哈维马德的技术教育范围使我能够设计物理产品, 数学, 化学, 还有电气工程. 我有足够的信心自学新的科目……我现在的团队涵盖了很多技术领域, and I think that the broad scientific training I received in physics at Harvey Mudd continues to contribute to my ability to successfully educate myself in new subjects and to understand the post-graduate-level work being done by the group.

1月. 1, 1997



事实证明,对于我的特殊工作来说,物理学是一个很好的入门课程. I started as a digital electronics design engineer and the electronics part could be handled with the few courses HMC offered. 困难的部分是理解系统功能块之间复杂的相互关系. My physics background helped in this area although I did spend some intensive time reading electronics books. 随着时间的推移, my job became more of an architectural endeavour and that was where physics really started to help: architecture involves understanding the big picture, 不仅仅是电子的细节,还有机械的细节, 热, 软件等. 我曾经使用过几乎所有的技术分支. Only physics gives you enough understanding of theory to let you jump in and start swinging no matter where you land.

1月. 1, 1997



Regarding the employment opportunities for physicists; I’ve found that physics offers a great deal of flexibility in choosing a career path. 当我决定回到西海岸加入IBM的时候, 我还被一所教学学院积极录取, 研究型大学, 如果我选择留在阿贡,我就能在那里获得终身职位. 目前,博士的就业市场非常强劲.

1月. 1, 1997

Jason Goldberg ' 94


我会说, 以我自己为例, 无论一个人决定进入哪个领域,拥有物理背景都是一笔巨大的财富. I really think that the problem solving skills I learned as a 物理 major have helped me in my 工程 work. 此外,由于物理是所有其他事物的基础(也许我的观点有点厌倦了)?首先学习物理,然后再学习其他学科是不会出错的. (“上”指的是“C”是比“汇编”高级的语言.)现在似乎是硅谷技术娴熟的科学家的大好时机. The group I am in at IBM is concerned with magnetic disk media and most of the PhD’s are from 物理/Material Science backgrounds.

1月. 1, 1997



I use my physics knowledge to allow me to quickly grasp the underlying principles of whatever problem I am dealing with, 让我在不陷入细节的情况下获得工作知识. It is this ability to be something of a jack-of-all trades (or a technical general practitioner as I prefer to think of it) that makes me valuable to the employer. 物理学是这方面的理想背景. 事实上, 当一个人在这家公司的管理链上往上爬的时候, 人们发现它是重物理的, as these are the people who have the ability to grasp the underlying concepts of a problem- which is what I think physics is all about. 当涉及到那些传统上使HMC伟大的事情时,请保持沉默. That I was taught in small classes entirely by English-speaking PhD’s who actually had office hours and didn’t treat us an annoyance stands in stark contrast to the undergraduate experience of most of my peers.

1月. 1, 1997

Nate Cook ' 95


我的Mudd教育对这份工作是不可或缺的. 我对科学的态度是我唯一最重要的力量, 我知道,我在哈维马德的这些年对这种态度做出了积极而巨大的贡献.


我1976年从物理专业毕业, 我上了医学院,现在是一名眼科医生,从事热带眼病的研究. HMC是一个很好的教育-不能说我真的用了很多物理, 如果我要做傅里叶变换,我会窒息的, but I do rather enjoy optical problems (unlike a lot of my colleagues) and I repair the odd broken instrument…

1月. 1, 1997



自从HMC之后,我的生活过得很好, I have worked on everything from military to law enforcement to environmental analysis in the Amazon to farming software. 我最自豪的工作是遥感与基于知识的地球/地形建模相结合. 这项工作让我走遍了美国、欧洲和南美. The thread of satellite imagery combined with GIS data and then pumped through human rules of expertise has spanned almost all of my projects. 如果没有坚实的物理背景,我根本不可能做到这一点.

1月. 1, 1997



我认为物理是一种“自由”的技术教育. 它为人们理解现代科技做了准备, 从某种意义上说,博雅教育是为人生做准备,而不是为人生中的特定角色做准备, 物理学使人有机会了解世界(应该说是宇宙)?),而不仅仅是为研究、学术或工业生涯做准备. 物理课程培养好奇心, 观察, 推理, 数学分析, 口头和书面话语, 等., 这些可以应用到写作中, 教学, 业务, 工程, 研究, 外交——对任何努力.

1月. 1, 1997

Ken Lorell, 65岁


所以我对毕业30多年后的物理教育有什么看法? 我会再来一次吗? 在我看来,这是毫无疑问的. 对于任何进入工程或科学学科的人来说, 也许有机化学是例外, 本科物理教育是无价的. I went on to the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics at the Stanford School of 工程 for my PhD, and my HMC physics degree was a major advantage in practically every class I took and in my thesis 研究. 除了, 在我作为技术贡献者的这些年里, having the breadth and depth that a physics degree provides made me much more versatile than my colleagues who studied some branch of 工程. 我能够运用E和M的基本概念, 动力学, 光学, and even basic nuclear physics / relativity theory / quantum mechanics to solving problems and inventing new techniques. The ability to understand physical phenomena and apply basic principals to analysis and problem solving is directly related to the solid foundation that I got as a physics major. 和我合作最成功的同事, 顺便说一下, 拥有物理学博士学位(包括工程学科), from the Sorbonne) and my former boss has a degree in 工程 物理 from Cornell—just indications of how a physics degree is a key building block to a successful technical career.

1月. 1, 1997

Mike Leung ' 78


… it has been my experience that the physics background is extremely well suited to the ebbs and flows and constant changes in industry. 也许你可以把这作为一个卖点来吸引更多的专业. 我和诺斯罗普(前TRW)的其他博士物理学家发现, 我们是工作中众多技术学科中最多才多艺的吗. I’ll mention a few skills that the physics major imparts that perhaps aren’t as strong in many 工程 majors:

  • 物理学家似乎有更好的批判性思维能力和定量分析能力
  • the physicists who were experimentalists in graduate school (or perhaps even during senior 研究) have a very broad knowledge and can step easily into several disciplines (e.g. 我认为自己对材料很熟悉, 真空技术, 低温技术, 测量设备对实验的影响. This broad background is also a key advantage when it comes to troubleshooting and other problem solving
  • they seem to remember their college subject matters better; believe it or not it comes in handy sometimes. 也许这是来自研究生院的课程,我不知道

我第一次进入HMC打算主修工程. 我改学物理是因为我发现这门学科的内容和教学方法更有吸引力.

9月. 1, 2012



1992年毕业后,我短暂地转到加州理工学院学习计算和神经系统, a multidisciplinary degree which covers everything from information theory to computer graphics to neural networks to measuring the behavior of individual neurons in rats.  Mudd的核心课程为这一点做了很好的准备, 给了我一个足够广泛的背景,使我能在所有这些方面都做得很好.  我在1999年获得了博士学位, with a thesis titled “Real-Time Rule-Based Analysis and Generation of Music” — which also leveraged the music courses I took at Scripps.

然后我搬到了硅谷,在Foveon工作了6年, 图像传感器/数码相机启动, 我为数码相机编写软件和固件.  拥有物理学位, 我不仅懂软件, 还有在图像被捕获之前发生的半导体物理和光学, 我也很熟练地使用示波器进行硬件调试.  这种灵活性在创业公司尤为重要, 哪里有足够少的工程师,每个人都需要擅长几件事.

Foveon后, 我在Carrier IQ工作了一年半, 这家初创公司对Sprint的移动电话网络进行基于手机的诊断和分析.  所有这些E&M课程帮助我了解了CDMA和GSM的工作原理, 这样我就可以确定从手机中读取哪些类型的信息是最有用的.

2007年,我开始在b谷歌工作,到现在已经5年了.  我在b谷歌Earth工作过, 编写基于python的构建系统, 在过去的3年里,我一直是Chrome OS的固件负责人, b谷歌新的基于浏览器的开源操作系统.  是的,我的桌子上还有一个示波器.

从马德大学获得物理学学位后的20年里,我一直失业,嗯,从来没有失业过.  I’ve also never had a job title of “physicist” or “scientist” — but every physics course I took at Mudd has been useful at one time or another.

9月. 1, 2012



事实证明,对于我的特殊工作来说,物理学是一个很好的入门课程. I started as a digital electronics design engineer and the electronics part could be handled with the few courses HMC offered. 困难的部分是理解系统功能块之间复杂的相互关系. My physics background helped in this area although I did spend some intensive time reading electronics books. 随着时间的推移, my job became more of an architectural endeavour and that was where physics really started to help: architecture involves understanding the big picture, 不仅仅是电子的细节,还有机械的细节, 热, 软件等. 我曾经使用过几乎所有的技术分支. Only physics gives you enough understanding of theory to let you jump in and start swinging no matter where you land.

1月. 1, 1997